Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ok maps?

What is the point of using an Easter Egg for a product feature? I've never quite heard of anything like the recent Google 'Ok Maps' search term for caching in their mobile apps.
Ok Google? (Courtesy: Gizmodo)
Is this:
- a sign of things to come? Will more features be accessible via the search box?
- to encourage more search box use?
- a result of the Google Maps team being jealous of the Google Glass team?
- a new user experience paradigm? Ok, this and Ok that? Ok maps, take me home? Ok maps, I'm hungry and have a hankerin' for Vietnamese food? Ok Youtube, show me all scantily-clad videos of Rosie Huntington-Whiteley?
- to create a buzz around the feature or the product?
- poorly thought experiement?
- provide this feature only to people who read tech blogs? If so, well done Gawker and co, you've outhitted yourselves.

Either way, we will soon see how frequently the 'OK' paradigm finds its way across Google's products.

Back to work, children.